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Homemade Body Care CoverHerbal-Hormone-Cover_WEBHealthy-Gut-Cover_WEBAnti-Inflammatory-Cover-WebHealthy-Living-Cover-WEBEpsom-Salt-Cover-WEBBrain-Boosters-Cover-WEBAlkaline-Diet-WEBStress-&-Anxiety-Cover_WEB- Notes Cover WEB



Hi, I’m Carmen, a holistic health geek with a passion for health, herbalism, natural remedies, as well as whole-food and plant-based lifestyles. After resolving various health issues I have struggled with for many years, I aim to inspire and help improve your health and longevity by sharing the tireless hours of research and valuable information I have discovered throughout my journey. Through the power of nutrition and lifestyle, with an evidence-based approach, I believe you can achieve your health and wellness goals.

Carmen’s interest in health and wellness inspired her to create her own small publishing company, Carma Books. Working closely with qualified herbalists and health practitioners to copywrite her series of books, she combines her own wisdom and research with certified foresight and guidance. Please note that the information on this website and all linked publications should not replace the advice of your healthcare professional.
